Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Brand New Day

This is the Day that The Lord has made...

Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Friday, June 13, 2008

3 Generations Preaching Jesus Christ!

Noah, George Whitefield and DannyO preach Jesus Christ...again!

live from Exeter, NH

Monday, May 19, 2008

God...Goes...Public...With Himself

Slowly read the opening 3 chapters of your Bible. Notice what is there...and what isn't!
And here is the Spurgeon sermon with a killer introduction.
Last, listen to the opening 10 minutes of John Piper's biography on John Calvin

Behold! And enjoy your God.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Prayer: "Please Show Me Your Glory" (Exodus 33.18)

Here's the link to "The Throne of Grace" by Charles Spurgeon

and the Carmen Dei song: "Imagine"
Imagine, our God so loved us, He sent His Son to die.
Imagine, the Christ among us, in our place crucified.
Imagine we are forgiven for all the things we've done.
Imagine vengance traded for mercy through the Son.
We are amazed by your grace, oh God.Surprised by the pardon you give.
We've been embraced by your favor, God.Extended the freedom to live.
We are awed at the thought of redemption.We are awed at the depth of your love.
Can't imagine that you've chosen to forgive.
Imagine, we'll stand before Him, "My child" He will proclaim.
Imagine 10 million ages, no tears, no death, no pain.
Imagine 10 thousand angels bowed before His throne.
Imagine His saints among them, redeemed by grace alone.

Monday, February 25, 2008

God...Saves...Sinners...(The Details-Part1)

This is the "ground shot", up close details of Genesis chapter 3, where we see unfold the incredible "word" and "work" of God coming to rescue man & wife. We have a Savior who saves ('cuz that's what Saviors do!), the save-eze, and the beautiful picture of what it really means that me...and like you.....WOW!

Here's the J.I.Packer quote: (and full link)

"...God saves sinners. God - the Triune Jehovah, Father, Son and Spirit; three Persons working together in sovereign wisdom, power and love to achieve the salvation of a chosen people, the Father electing, the Son fulfilling the Father's will by redeeming, the Spirit executing the purpose of Father and Son by renewing. Saves - does everything, first to last, that is involved in bringing man from death in sin to life in glory: plans, achieves and communicates redemption, calls and keeps, justifies, sanctifies, glorifies. Sinners - men as God finds them, guilty, vile, helpless, powerless, blind, unable to lift a finger to do God's will or better their spiritual lot. God saves sinners - and the force of this confession may not be weakened by disrupting the unity of the work of the Trinity, or by dividing the achievement of salvation between God and man and making the decisive part man's own, or by soft-pedaling the sinner's inability as to allow him to share the praise of his salvation with his Savior."