Monday, May 19, 2008

God...Goes...Public...With Himself

Slowly read the opening 3 chapters of your Bible. Notice what is there...and what isn't!
And here is the Spurgeon sermon with a killer introduction.
Last, listen to the opening 10 minutes of John Piper's biography on John Calvin

Behold! And enjoy your God.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan!!

Good Stuff!!

My eyes, ears, and mind are opening!!


Anonymous said...

Nice work, Danny!

You truly are an underline of the Word!

Our God surely is everything! If only my heart would realize that as much as my brain does!

Thanks Pal!

- Steve M.

Daddy, Manf and Bean said...

thank you both very much for the encouragement you bring to my heart.
DL - look forward to hangin more!
Steve, again, I thank God for crossing our paths. face to face fellowship will be very sweet one day!